Tuesday, August 18, 2015

25 Weeks

In this photo I compared 25 Weeks to 10 Weeks in the same outfit. I love this top from Entourage who now have a Maternity Section!!!

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained 24lbs so far BLEH 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants are always on now. I have a few maxi skirts I wear and some dresses that I'll throw on that aren't' maternity but otherwise, it's always maternity.
Sleep: I'm a roller. I'll roll from side to side every night. My right hand falls asleep a lot and I was told by my doctor to start wearing a hand brace but I just haven't done it yet. It's so uncomfortable!   
Best moment this week: The carpet in Olivia's nursery has been ripped up and my AWESOME husband has started putting down the new wood flooring. I can't wait to share pictures!!! Also, I literally just got a call from my Internal Medicine Doctor and he said all of my blood work came back and my HBA1c is 6.0 which is absolutely amazing!!! So very happy!!!!
Miss Anything? I miss my energy. I've gone back to zero energy starting around 2pm and it lasts until I go to bed.
Movement: A lot! I did have a very real panic attack one night when I woke up with low blood sugar and had to drink some juice and eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Usually, when I drink something cold, Olivia will kick a few times but this time there was no movement at all. I got back in bed and rolled from side to side trying to get her to move around some and just could not feel any kicks. I started sweating and freaking out a little. I sat up in bed and debated telling Robbie we needed to go to the Emergency Room. Instead I silently started praying. I laid back down and rolled a few more times and FINALLY I felt three small faint kicks. I've never been so scared but it's always good to know that God has everything under control!
Food cravings: No cravings really. I've been eating healthier and I'm still eating a lot of pickles HA
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Just swelling in my feet towards the end of the day.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Off at night.
Happy or Moody: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: We have an appointment next week for our 4D pictures and I'm so ready to see our little nugget again. We got a sneak peak of a 4D last appointment because my ultrasound tech is AWESOME but now we should be able to see more of Olivia. ALSO, Becca has an appointment on the same day and is only 20 minutes behind mine! How exciting!!!!


Sunday, August 16, 2015

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 26 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? most of the time. I'm still mixing it up. I always wear maternity pants to work now! Above is a regular shirt with maternity pants yet again :)
Sleep: Not great. Really bad leg cramps and heartburn at night. Also, getting up to pee multiple times a night. I really miss sleeping on my belly. 
Best moment this week: Rhett feeling Landon kick. Every time Rhett would put his hand on my stomach Landon would stop kicking. He must have the soothing touch.
Miss Anything? sleep. I'm literally exhausted. Liam has been waking up so early too and the combination is not great. 
Movement: All the time. I love it! 
Food cravings: Still McAlisters. Hopefully that's not where the extra weight is coming from :)
Have you started to show yet: Most definitely!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks have started but I know it's from the stress of work plus all of the exercise from the huge stairs at work.
Symptoms: leg cramps at night, heartburn, and my feet are starting to get swollen every weekday. Stupid stairs.
Belly Button in or out? in betweeny
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody: happy and moody when I'm tired (so moody all the time?)
Looking forward to: Seeing Landon in 4D next week! Also getting further with the nursery. It's making such good progress.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Teaching and Pregnancy

It was great going back to work this week and seeing my teaching family. I really do work with amazing people. Going back I knew I would be tired but holy cow!!!! By the end of the week I was exhausted. I mean who wouldn't be after walking a flight of stairs roughly 30 times this week (my coworker has one of those exercise bracelets that tracks miles, steps and stairs), an open house that lasted almost 4 hours, and setting up a classroom.

I'd like to introduce you to my biggest nemesis this school year...the stairs :(  Yes, there is an elevator but it's halfway across the complex and takes just as much energy to walk there as it is to climb this beast.

This is look of my excitement when I got moments to sit down.

This preggo lady is definately going to need a chair or two this year. What makes chairs even better? Cute fabric. My mother and I did this!!

Here is a look at my classroom this year. I'm in love with minions, owls, mustaches, pink and teal. Luckily it kinda works?

The secret to a successful year while having pregnancy brain? All of my interactive notebook units organized in separate notebooks.

Here is my classroom pet. Her name is Miss Sally :) The students love her!

Most importantly...my 6th grade team. We are jam up!!! They are all so amazing and so fun to work with!

What we normally are like. I didn't say we weren't dysfunctional :)


22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? most of the time. Mixing it up for work. Above is a regular shirt with maternity pants.
Sleep: Having to use the bathroom 3-4 times a night plus leg and feet cramps is very tiring.
Best moment this week: Meeting all of my new students (180 kids!!) and watching Liam soak things in like a sponge. 
Miss Anything? since I am so tired I would have to say sleep and energy. 
Movement: Yes. A lot more at night. 
Food cravings: McCalisters and milk. 
Have you started to show yet: I have. I still have people come up and hesitantly ask me if I'm pregnant. I just stare at them. 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: sore thighs and leg cramps at night. Also little varicose veins in my calves. Probably from all the stairs and walking at work.
Belly Button in or out? flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On and just now starting to get somewhat snug.
Happy or Moody: ummm...tired so kinda moody but I am very happy.
Looking forward to: Seeing Landon in 4 more weeks. It seems so far away. Also, looking forward to the weekend so I can rest up!

Monday, August 3, 2015

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure. Haven't been to the doctor in a while and I refuse to weigh myself. 
Maternity clothes? I just went shopping and got a ton of maternity clothes from Motherhood, Old Navy, and Target. However, I'm not wearing anything maternity above. It's kind of nice to still be able to wear my old clothes. (Denim Vest Link, White Dress Link)
Sleep: Sleeping has gotten better. I got 2 new pillows and now I find it more comfortable to sleep on my sides. I sleep with two pillows under my head and a king size pillow supporting my stomach.   
Best moment this week: We finally decided on a dresser/changing table (picture below) for Olivia's nursery. It's 6 feet long and has so much storage! It's exactly what we wanted and the color the SAME exact color I've been trying to incorporate into her nursery and couldn't! YAY! We are going to paint the handles and get knobs for the doors. We are trying to decided between white or a cream color.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to get up from a sitting position easily. Whether I am getting out of my car, off the couch or out of the bed, I usually make a straining noise HA. If Robbie is home, he usually helps me off the couch. Otherwise, I'm on my own!
Movement: Lots and lots of movements!!! I keep telling Olivia to simmer down LOL.
Food cravings: I've been eating a ton of pickles but other than that nothing. I usually eat a ton of fried foods but now I get sick when I eat something fried. 
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Still having some swelling in my hands a feet. No other symptons!
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Off at night.
Happy or Moody: HAPPY!
Looking forward to: My appointment Wednesday. We haven't seen Olivia in 6 weeks so we are so excited to get a sonogram!! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 18 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? More now than before. I'm mostly only comfortable in maternity clothes now.
Sleep: Not too bad. I started back to school this week for preplanning and I've been so tired that  I fall right out at night. The charlie horses have started now though so they wake me up once or twice a night.
Best moment this week: Seeing my work family. We have a few new members of our 6th grade team and they couldn't have been a better fit for our team!
Miss Anything? Not really. Energy goes pretty fast some days but I'm enjoying this pregnancy so much more than the last. Grateful! 
Movement: Yes! He kicked so hard last night that I jolted up :)
Food cravings: McCalisters and wings still.
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I look way further along than I am. All of the walking and stairs at school have really helped gravity pull my stomach out more. 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: sore thighs and leg cramps at night.
Belly Button in or out? flat! 
Wedding rings on or off? On and just now starting to get somewhat snug.
Happy or Moody: Happy this week. I've had way fever moody moments this week. I know Rhett is grateful. 
Looking forward to: Finishing up Liam's room and starting on the nursery! I do have a doctor appointment this week but it includes having my blood drawn so I have to admit I'm not that excited especially since it doesn't include an ultrasound.