Tuesday, July 14, 2015

20 Week Appointment

Yesterday, I had my 20 week appointment. I didn't get an ultrasound which bummed us out but it was nice to hear, once again, how good we are doing! My OB was pleased with my Perinatology appointment and read off the list of things they want me to do in the coming weeks. I had to get some blood drawn yesterday and for some reason, I can't remember why they did that :/ *Pregnancy Brain is no joke* I've got to have an EKG just to make sure my heart is working properly. I've got to do a 24-hour urine test. Gross. They are checking the protein in my urine *Diabetes thing* They will be checking my kidneys eventually just to make sure they are still functioning properly also. My next appointment isn't until August 6th, so this will be the longest I've gone without seeing a doctor so far! My dad works at a college in town that has a sonographer program so I miiiiiight see if he can sneak me in for a free ultrasound (just kidding). I'll have gone 6 weeks without seeing Olivia and that just feels weird to me!
Also, starting at 28 weeks I'll start going in every week for an ultrasound and get a rating on a scale of 1-8 of how Olivia is doing/developing. They want us to score 8s every time and they said it isn't hard to get perfect scores so fingers crossed!

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