Sunday, July 5, 2015

18 Weeks

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't weighed in, but will find out when I go to the doctor on Wednesday. So far I'm doing so much better with weight gain this pregnancy than with Liam. 
Maternity clothes? Half and half like in this picture. Maternity shorts and pants most of the time with one of my pre-pregnancy shirts. 
Sleep: Not too bad. Still having to get up once or twice a night to pee. Not looking forward to when it's two to four times a night. Also, I was able to sleep on my stomach until about two days ago. Now, it just isn't happening. I'm really going to miss stomach sleeping for the next four months. 
Best moment this week: Watching Liam watch the fireworks. You can see videos of it on my instragram. It seriously was so precious. Tinker! Sparkle! Cool! Whoa!
Movement: I think I felt a kick in church this morning. I'm ready for them to be consistent so I can confirm this is what I'm feeling. 
Food cravings: just satisfied a doughnut craving at 10:30 tonight.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes. When it pops, it pops. 
Labor Signs: nadda
Symptomspregnancy induced asthma. AWFUL! With Liam, my last month and a half of pregnancy I developed this dry cough. I coughed anytime I took a deep breath or laughed. After delivery my obgyn had a respiratory doctor come in and evaluate it. He said it was asthma. When I told him I didn't have asthma and had never had it, he told me that pregnancy can cause or trigger it. He put me on two inhalers and cough medicine. Within two weeks it was almost gone and it was gone completely after a month. About ten days ago, I came down with a simple cold and cough. Well the cold went away after three days but the coughing...not so much. I made an appointment to see my obgyn and he asked me if I ever had asthma. I of course didn't expect him to remember with as many patients as he's sees and the fact that it's been almost three years. He told me that he thought I had pregnancy induced asthma. I was prescribed an inhaler again. After taking it about a week now I feel sooo much better. I went online and researched preggo induced asthma and found something interesting...untreated asthma in pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia. Well, that's what I had the last month and a half with Liam..makes sense. Really glad I know about this now and am taking care of it. 
Belly Button in or out? Inny 
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose.
Happy or Moody: Very emotional/moody. Rhett is I'm so ready to feel like myself again.
Looking forward to: Landon's anatomy scan appointment on Wednesday. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen him. 

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