Yesterday I had my first appointment with my Perinatologist. Just a reminder, I'm Type 1 Diabetic and have Hypothyroidism.
I was pretty nervous about what was going to happen at this appointment but as they started my anatomy ultrasound, my unease started to fade. Kidneys look good, bladder looks good, brain looks good, 10 photos of the heart later...heart looks good, 10 fingers, 10 toes, eyes look good, stomach looks good, EVERYTHING looks good! Also, I finally got 100% confirmation that we are definitely having a little girl. The last two times we checked, Olivia decided to cross her legs like a little lady. She's also weighing in at about 8 ounces which is very good for a Type 1 Diabetic Mommy!
I've kept my blood glucose levels pretty tight lately too. When we started planning to get pregnant, my HbA1c was 6.7 and during my pregnancy, I've managed to lower it to 6.3. The doctors like for you to be below 7.0 before you even start trying to conceive.
It's hard work and I'll be the first to admit, I fall off the wagon sometimes. I CRAVE fried food and even when I'm not pregnant, I'm not supposed to be eating anything with breading or anything fried. However, after I eat these things and my blood glucose rises higher than it should be, I'm reminded that I'm not just hurting myself right now. My health is Olivia's health right now.
Another amazing thing about my appointment yesterday was learning that if I keep up the good work and keep my HbA1c low, I may never have to see my Perinatologist again! That also means I will be able to deliver in my hometown too and not over an hour away! It all depends on what my current OB thinks. I'll keep you guys updated.
I've got my firm faith in God that I can do this!
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