First and most importantly we got to see our little boy this week. Even though we couldn't doubt the 12 week ultrasound where he decided to show his gender, they still wanted to double check to make sure he was a he. We are 100 percent sure he is! Landon wanted to display his business in so many pictures. Our little boy seems to be very healthy. I go back in three weeks to check out everything in the anatomy scan. It's one of my favorite things to watch him in the ultrasounds. I told our tech that I wanted one at home (NOTHING would get accomplished if so). Landon is such a wiggle worm but our tech got some amazing pictures! He is absolutely perfect and beautiful.Second, I am volunterring a few days this summer break at school to help my 6th now 7th graders with their summer reading program. One thing I haven't really mentioned here is my love of books and reading. I am a true bibliophile. My biggest hobby is reading. So it doesn't seem like work to be working with students on reading :) The group I was given was assigned the book, The Lions of Little Rock. It is a historical fiction set in the 1950's about segregation. I hate spoilers so all I can say is READ IT! Yes, it's a young teen book but I never would have known it. I took a picture of a quote I adore at the bottom of the page. "But the truth is, the world is much more like an algebraic equation. With variables and changes, complicated and messy. Sometimes there's more than one answer, and sometimes there is none. Sometimes we don't even know how to solve the problem." So true.
Third, I got to satisfy my cheesecake craving two days ago. This may not sound like something very exciting to some, but many other pregnant ladies out there will agree that preggo cravings are no joke!
Fourth, I had the best pedicure I have had in years this week. I went to the place I always go to but the girl who did them this time knew I was pregnant and seriously took her time...like 45 mins on the massaging before she ever started painting. Yes, I asked her if she wanted to come home with me ;-)
Please excuse my feet. Yes I am aware that if placed patches of hair on top they would look like hobbit feet. I graciously accepted my foot genetics from dear dad.
Fifth and prob least important was Chinese. I mean, how can food in the little containers with the little handle not make someone happy?! It's the little things.
Those little fingers!
Beach Boy
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