Monday, June 15, 2015


It was really weird for me this time around announcing. We told almost everyone really early on when we were expecting Liam. However, we learned it's really hard for people to keep secrets. This time around we told very few people. We told my mom first. She and I are really close and it doesn't hurt that she lives really close and is a nurse. We didn't tell her in any cool or cute way which I wish we had now, but she doesn't care because she's awesome. Next, I told Amy because how could I not?! She came over to tell me about her being pregnant and I couldn't take it anymore and threw my pregnancy test at her (gross?? Sorry Amy. Just realized I threw a pee stick at you and sorry if I took away from you telling me your fantabulous news) We were sooooo excited to be pregnant at the same time! We knew it could happen but we knew it was in God's hands. Lastly I told my principal and twin at work. I'm still so grateful for my twin Chicola and principal Carlyle (do any of you other teachers out there only go by last names with coworkers too? I mean, what's the big deal with first names anyway?!). They are so amazing at keeping secrets, taking care of me, and taking care of my kids when I had doctors appointments.

We knew we wanted to wait until we found at the gender to announce to everyone else. My obgyn checks for gender around 15-16 weeks. At 12 weeks 5 days I had a regular appointment but no ultrasound. After listening to the heartbeat on the doppler I got even more anxious to see little baby. My doctor came in and I asked him if I could possibly see little one and being the best doctor on the planet, he of course said yes. I went to the ultrasound room and while Mrs. Jane was starting I asked her if we could peek to see if she may be able to just guess. Well, when she moved the wand that way, there wasn't much guessing. Baby #2 looked all BOY!!!! She said she was 98 percent certain. As much as I was hoping for a girl, I wasn't disappointed to see another little boy.

I told Rhett that evening and he laughed like I did. I think he had a proud I make all boys, slam chest moment :) We went a couple days later to have a shirt made for Liam. In case you can't read it in the pictures below it says, Future Super Big Brother. We had him wear it over to our in law's house to tell them and to my parent's house to show my dad. Rhett's parents were so excited. Bless their hearts, it's their 5th grandson! My dad was happy but I think he was hoping for a girl, lol. My sister was awesome. She also has two boys so I know were to ask for advice :) We are beyond blessed at the amount of love and support from our family and friends! Oh....apparently I did a good job keeping my news hidden at work because everyone was shocked ;)

By the way, can I just say how hard it was to get a picture of him where you could read the shirt. This 2 year old toddler doesn't stay still long!

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