Total weight gain/loss: 5lbs (from 135 to 139)
Maternity clothes? Not yet but ready for the comfort
Stretch marks? No
Morning Sickness: More like afternoon sickness. It seems to be worse in the evenings than in the morning.
Sleep: Tossing and turning.
Best moment this week: Seeing the small baby bump start to show.
Have you told family and friends: my boss and close coworker. It was necessary since I would have to leave work a few minutes early to make it doctor appointments. My twin was is so helpful when it comes to covering my afternoon group of kids. Also, a huge shout out to both of them for being so trustworthy!
Miss Anything? Glass of wine sometimes but nothing really.
Movement: no but so ready to feel that movement
Food cravings: Oysters and fried pork chops
Have you started to show yet: There's a small bump/bloat there. I typically suck it in though at work (so uncomfortable) so people won't find out.
Gender prediction: All of my wives tales point to girl (fingers crossed) but I feel as though I'm destined for boys.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very moody...poor Rhett
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!
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