Saturday, July 18, 2015

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 14lbs 
Maternity clothes? I'm always in my maternity jeans seen above! They were the first maternity clothing item I bought and I'm surprised they still fit! 
Sleep: Still pretty crappy. I wake up every time I flip over and can't really get comfortable on my sides. I started sleeping at more of a sitting up position but my neck and shoulders get sore from that. Still need to order a pregnancy pillow!!! Also, my hands have been falling asleep at night and I'm hoping its from how awkwardly I'm sleeping and not Diabetes related.   
Best moment this week: I went to a Revival with my Dad, Uncle and Aunt this week and it was such a blessing. It was at an old WWII camp ground with old bunk houses and an open area for worshiping. Afterward, we had homemade ice cream and boiled peanuts (they must have known I was coming - perfect pregnancy foods). Such a fun night!
Miss Anything? I miss cold weather every time is step outside. It's usually hot this time of year but Lord help me, it's hotter when your pregnant!!!
Movement: This is part of my best moment of the week also! I am so excited about all the movement I've felt! Olivia usually kicks me when I lay down at night but I've heard that's normal. I can't wait to feel harder kicks and more frequent kicks.
Food cravings: I never really crave anything. I liked eating wings last week and I have started eating a lot of dill pickles (stereotype is true!) I still like eating a lot of fried foods, mainly french fries. Nothing weird yet. 
Have you started to show yet: Yep! Getting rounder everyday. 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: SWELLING! My feet have started to swell. I've been on my feet in the heat the past few days so I know it's definitely going to happen. I guess I didn't expect it so soon! First time mommy-to-be knows nothing HA.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Off when I come in from outside. So much swelling in the South Georgia heat.
Happy or Moody: Happy. Always happy!
Looking forward to: Being off next week. Robbie and I took off Wednesday through Sunday. It's going to be awesome to do nothing or do whatever we want to do!!!!


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